-We chose simple plan because it is a good group and his song are very beautiful. They starting to play in the 90's. They are a Canadien band and they play pop-punk music.
The group consist of five members: Pierre Bowier who is the singer, David Destrosiers who plays the bass, Sebatien who plays a guitar, Jeft Stinco who also plays a guitar and Chuch who is the drummer.
-They started to play in 2001 in big festivals in Toronto when they also recorded his first album. They had a big success in 2001 and in 2004 they recorded his second album.
They have recorded 3 disks and 1 single in total.
Now they are touring arround the world.
-We like this group, and the song we like most is untitled. This is a sad song wich is about car accident. It's very sentimental and beautiful. The most popular song is Welcome to my live. It is a song about comparisons among the life of the singer with the life of other persons.